I love doing interviews because they make me consider things that I either think about a lot and never say out loud or completely take for granted and don't think about enough. When someone asks…
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The wrong way... Simply put, the wrong way is to look at it alone. Just you and the mirror. I'm sure there is that lone star out there, like my father, who loves to look…
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I've always been deeply affected by music. Not all of it, but certain songs that seem to take up residency in my heart, my brain and my ever present and pulsing emotions. The feelings brought…
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"You're ghostwriting a book? But a book is like, a book - it's so long!" I'm noticing that other writers and non-writers are book-shy - they keep saying things like that ditty above. A book…
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I subscribe to Copyblogger. I'm a fan of Brian Clark's and I usually like the posts on the site...but lately, well, I'm seeing a theme and it's making me a little queasy. The fact that…
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Forget writer's block and building a clientele, the single hardest task for a copywriter is deciding how much to charge for a project. Behold, the many reasons this is so difficult... There are no golden…
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Once upon a time, I worked in an office. I remember it, but the details are somewhat fuzzy. I didn't like the work, but I loved the socializing. We were horrible influences on each other.…
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I broke my foot...and it sucks. But my inability to move has shown me a few things. For instance, I had no idea that I had so many good ideas until I was virtually unable…
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I just finished reading an article by Sean Platt that left me going, 'huh?' The article was about the importance of freelance copywriters standing out from the crowd - a huge crowd of talented writers,…
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Political correctness has a place, I know it does. But when I hear something incredibly honest come out of someone's mouth - it just gets me. Of course I'm not talking about hateful, violent or…
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