I love doing interviews because they make me consider things that I either think about a lot and never say out loud or completely take for granted and don’t think about enough. When someone asks you the questions point blank, you’re forced to find answers, scour your brain for how you really feel and then put those thoughts into words.
If you’re trying to come up with a strategy or a plan (business or personal) or you just can’t figure out how you feel about something…ask someone to interview you. If you feel like you haven’t ‘done’ anything lately, let their questions force you to take stock of how far you’ve come and what you’ve done. Let their curiosity and their point of view, unstick your mind and your gears.
Of course interviewing other people also begets great blog content.
Alyssa Martino recently interviewed me about writing, my personal brand and giving back to other writers. Her questions made me step back and think about the present and the past, and I’m quite certain, jolted me forward as well.
Image credit: Thomas Hawk
I love your interview. I like doing interviews online, there’s no confusion between what’s said and what’s published, it’s all in the text. Spoken interviews are harder for me, I need more practice. Plus, they always seem to mess up a word.
But they do make you think. You’re forced to probe, you’re forced to answer why you do what you do, and you learn so much more about your fundamental likes and dislikes and how they really don’t change from childhood to adulthood.
.-= Van´s last blog ..5 Growing Lessons for Plants & Businesses =-.
Thanks again, Julie! I loved hearing your answers. This series functions two ways: to teach us about you and to let you learn about yourself :)
.-= Alyssa´s last blog ..‘Writers on Writing’: Julie Roads on Staying True, Personal Brands & Giving Back =-.
Never heard of Alyssa Martino, but I read that quickly and thought Alyssa Milano interviewed you.
Maybe she’ll be calling next.
.-= Ari Herzog´s last blog ..Do You Have 5 Questions For Me? =-.
Loved Alyssa’s piece – I picked up some new nuggets on you ;-)
.-= Andi´s last blog ..French Friday – French by Heart =-.