Yes, you are still at the Writing Roads Blog, aka. Blogging Roads! Last night my dear designer, Leslie Tane, surprised me by expanding my blog into three columns with a new theme called Amazing Grace, a…
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It's minutes after the Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, I'm watching Sarah Palin walk the rope line, flashes everywhere, the lights couldn't be brighter. Then, she's at the after debate party.…
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I know that moms are powerful. I am one, I have one, I'm married to (the best) one, I'm surrounded by many in the real world and the web world. But, still I'm blown away…
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Last night, an internet/social networking colleague asked me the following question: "Are you at all concerned that your political views may cost you business opportunities? That is a concern of mine. I’m totally in your…
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I met Gloria Steinem in a book when I was 17. I met her in person, and heard her speak, when I was 28. Both of these experiences were life-changing to me both as a…
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I just received this...and couldn't wait to repost it. No idea who wrote, so I can't give credit... If you're a minority and you're selected for a job over more qualified candidates you're a 'token…
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I have three other posts that I'm working on that could be published here today, but I can't do it. Every time I try, there's like an actual buffer between me and that invisible,…
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From the Huffington Post I am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar…
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Babs is all set to perform at a huge fundraiser for Obama on Sept. 16 - tickets are reportedly $28,500 a pop. This letter was originally posted on her website: McCain Doesn't Get It: Women…
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