I waitressed for several years. Through college, through grad school. And I enjoyed it thoroughly. I loved how the time went by so fast, no watch-looking necessary. I loved how it was always new. I…
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If I was sitting in my favorite cushioned rocker from Crate and Barrel circa 1995 with a great book, an ice cold Kombucha, a bag of peanuts and Silas—why would I ever move? I'd have…
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I just finished one of the best books I've ever laid hands, eyes and brain on: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall (Amazon affiliate link). Yes, it's about running. But it's also about people and…
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I heard this story the other night: There's a CEO of a company in Manhattan that has a Fear Jar on his desk. And whenever anyone in the office says something fearful, they have to…
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How do you know when something is no longer working? Could be a client relationship, a blog post, some marketing copy, your novel, a relationship, your life...take your pick. You know because: You no longer…
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Call me a linguistics geek, but I prefer to 'apologize'. And there is a difference. Sure. You did something less than nice. Or maybe you just bumped into someone by accident. Maybe you made an…
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I was greeted this morning by a yell that was beyond exuberant. It thrilled like this: "Mama J! I can write my name!" And indeed, she had. Without copying someone else's letters or asking which…
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The summer after my senior year in high school sticks out in my mind. Prominently. Not because there was a life changing event. Not because I was leaving high school and home and my friends.…
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You know that post I wrote yesterday? The one where I talked about how I'm training for everything? Well, all of your wonderful comments have made it impossible for me to stop thinking about it.…
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"Are you training for a marathon or something?" Was the question I was asked in response to the 11.2 mile run. "Nope." Was the answer. But it was a lie. I'm training for everything. When…
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