I met a new person yesterday. She asked me what I did for a living, and swear to god, she got really excited by my answer. No, I didn't lie and say that I'm a…
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I gave a workshop this weekend on blogging and social media, and this inevitable question was asked: 'how does social media work?' It's a great question. I only wish it had been asked today instead…
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It's happened to us all. We buy a flashlight that doesn't work, purchase a conferencing service that doesn't record when it's supposed to (true story, still bitter) or we work with a person who turns…
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As far as social bookmarking tools go, Digg is up there. It's huge, and so is its playing field. The point of Digg is to allow anyone to post and share any good web content…
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So, as you all know, I'm Twitter-obsessed. I love it. I could be on Twitter all day and not even notice the hours fly by. (If only I could clone myself and that carbon-copy could…
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For all of you who wonder, and ask me, if LinkedIn is really worth it...they've just done something that is tipping the balance heavily to yes. LinkedIn has added 9 applications to its repertoire (where…
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As you know, when I find something good, I sing like a canary. I simply can't hold back. This is a twofer, a 2 in 1; hits my professional and my personal side. Drumroll...it's a…
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Facebook is festive, LinkedIn is connective, but I've come to realize that they meander a bit. And I'm not talking about a slow internet connection. When you compare them to Twitter, they move like molasses.…
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Yesterday, some of the neighborhood kids were playing at our house. One little girl's family hails from the Caribbean, her name is Elie and she's in the 1st grade. She was happily exploring our play…
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One of the kings of social media, Chris Brogan, has just published a brilliant article about people in the real world. He talks about how those of us who live in this web world need…
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