I just so happen to have two adorable, hilarious, brilliant children. (In my humble opinion, of course.) They're 4 and 3, and for the last several years now, they've been pretty good kids, except for…
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Forget writer's block and building a clientele, the single hardest task for a copywriter is deciding how much to charge for a project. Behold, the many reasons this is so difficult... There are no golden…
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Political correctness has a place, I know it does. But when I hear something incredibly honest come out of someone's mouth - it just gets me. Of course I'm not talking about hateful, violent or…
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One of my clients/readers just wrote to me in response to the series I've been posting about how to become a freelance writer and insisted that I remind (though notify might be more accurate) everyone…
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Recently, I noted that many people don't actually know what a copywriter is, and that chances are high that folks might not know how to use one or what the copywriter/client workflow looks like. If…
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