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please help me be a freelance writer!

One of my clients/readers just wrote to me in response to the series I’ve been posting about how to become a freelance writer and insisted that I remind (though notify might be more accurate) everyone that I provide consultations for the brave souls starting freelancing businesses/careers. This involves one on one guidance, tutorials, planning, strategy, networking (how to and actual connections), brainstorming, problem-solving and unlimited question answering (and possibly work to fill your portfolio as I need 5 of me to get everything done).

I agreed to posting about this service I provide because it is the most gratifying work that I do. When I started out, I had…ummmmm….pretty much no one and nothing to guide me. I read as much as I could and had a sister-in-law in the biz for some help (but she had been in the advertising world for some time, very successfully, before she went out on her own – so we were coming from very different places, very. I mean, she left her advertising firm and took some clients with her to her own shop – without naming names, I can tell you that they are top makers of chocolate and pet food, top.)

I would have given anything to have a kind, caring, supportive, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, honest, info-packed, experience-heavy person to mentor me, anything. So I’m pleased, proud and thrilled to do this for other people. I love it.

If you want to chat about this personally…hit the phone typewriter key at the top of this page and send me an email or give me a call.

Talk soon,


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  • Wayne Jordan says:

    Yes, it’s challenging to get started as a freelance writer. Often, marketing and administration cut severely into one’s writing time. For a new writer trying to make it on his/her own merits, sub-contracting isn’t a good option.

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