First, watch this video (or at least the first 30 seconds)... My dear friend and tech writer extraordinaire, Ron Miller, posted this video on his blog and sent me over to see it. And I…
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So, I'm sitting here, typing away on a piece for a client. And I realize that someone is staring at me - under the guise of the green underlines sprinkled about the page. Typically, I…
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I don't cry very often. I can count the times I've cried so far this year on one hand - in March when my brother told me he had to give his dog away, in…
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As you know, I've recently become a Mac's now leaking into my software. I'm preparing for an upcoming series of web marketing workshops, and I'm using Keynote, Apple/iWork 08's answer to Power Point. This…
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I finally made the switch and word has it that this makes me smart. Apparently Apple users have a higher IQ than everyone else.I love my little Macbook. It is so much better than my…
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