As you know, I’ve recently become a Mac convert…it’s now leaking into my software. I’m preparing for an upcoming series of web marketing workshops, and I’m using Keynote, Apple/iWork 08’s answer to Power Point. This is one month after preparing for a writing workshop on Power Point.
- Keynote is so beautiful. The templates are amazing, plentiful, crisp, modern.
- The functionality: sooooooooooo easy. Even for a techi-ignorati like moi.
- Cool features that I can actually use: updates and showcases live websites. Did Power Point do this? Maybe, but it wasn’t as easy to find and make happen – case in point.
- I’m brilliant – or at least that’s the way this presentation makes me look! Don’t be fooled – people judge us by how we look all day long. Keynote showcases my expertise, my professionalism, my success and my style.
Check it out.