I had the good fortune of meeting Chris Brogan on Tuesday night...and to listen to him tell story after story, all of them heavy with hidden ideas and more than a fair bit of laughter.…
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I broke my foot...and it sucks. But my inability to move has shown me a few things. For instance, I had no idea that I had so many good ideas until I was virtually unable…
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I just finished reading an article by Sean Platt that left me going, 'huh?' The article was about the importance of freelance copywriters standing out from the crowd - a huge crowd of talented writers,…
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Political correctness has a place, I know it does. But when I hear something incredibly honest come out of someone's mouth - it just gets me. Of course I'm not talking about hateful, violent or…
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The most beautiful bird just flew in front of my office window. A Cardinal: bright red, yellow beak, that sharp tuft of hair on his head. He's still out there and I'm watching him flit…
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I just happened upon something really happy - it's a cliche, it's nothing new - but it reminds me about the power of blogging and why we're here - either personally or for business. Here…
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As my good friend, Sarah, likes to say, "You can't make this stuff up." Irony, according to my favorite dictionary (courtesy of Apple) is 'a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary…
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No, I didn't say, 'twitterbating' - that's another topic entirely. Twitter baiting is the Twitter equivalent of link baiting - wherein people lure bloggers, visitors or companies to their site through a variety of tactics.…
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