This, I'm guessing, is not news to you: When your heart breaks, you actually feel the pain in your chest. And when you are in love, your heart swells, pounds, burst—the physical sensation is…
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When I tell someone that I'm a writer, I watch their minds float away behind their eyes. They're painting a picture - the likes of a Polaroid, after it's been shaken and blown on. The…
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This (image to the left) is a tile that I have in my home. It sings the praises of the Cancerian. I know that because I used to have the one that, in equal measure,…
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Fyi, this is more than just a post, please read all the way to the bottom to get stuff and read some fabulousness from my girls. Praying with my fingers I didn't go to India…
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This morning on my rollerblade, I came across this guy that I must have passed a zillion times, just him and his dog. Usually I'm going by so fast, he's basically a blur, but the…
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I had a dream last night that I was watching an old boyfriend play the piano. He was on a high school-ish stage, playing something dramatic and complicated, from one of the white wigged composers.…
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It occurs to me that some people don't know about the hard refresh command. And that I take it for granted that I do. Basically, your browser caches web pages (or files and remembers them…
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I don't know about you, but when I was a kid I wasn't super focused. Wait, let me rephrase that: I was super/hyper focused on whatever I was into at the moment, but the 'what'…
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It didn't take long after starting college for me to develop a furious eating disorder. I was simultaneously trying to fill an achingly empty hole in my heart and attempting to get a grip on…
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I was working with a delightful blogger/copywriter-to-be yesterday in my consulting capacity - and she asked me this: How do you get yourself to write everyday, how do you get yourself into the habit of…
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