Raise your hand if you’re a writer. Now, raise your hand if you have a nice-sized ego. And now, raise your hand if you lied on that last one and kept your hand down. The…
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Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another - Madonna And here we are, eh? The freelancing community has a knack for getting tied up in knots, literally, in our dependency…
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It's true that I spent the first 17 years of my life in a protected, little suburb in St. Louis, and that I was relatively shielded from urban life, or drama that extended beyond boyfriends,…
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So, yesterday we were talking about the niche. But niche or not, when you want to get clients, you have to show them what's on offer and make your case. Enter, the proposal. Imagine a…
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For a long time now, I haven't niche myself. I intuited, assumed and experienced the fact that the wider I cast my net, the greater the number of fish I could possibly, and did ultimately,…
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I just got off the phone with a friend. She was telling me about her morning. Like me, she's a freelancer, but of graphic design. This morning, before she even opened Photoshop, she did her…
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Guest post by Ron Miller my trusty sidekick, partner at SocMedia101, virtual office mate and all around terrific dude. Oh and he's a phenomenal, award winning tech journalist to boot. (You know how you can…
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Trust me when I say that this post is not for teenagers or tweens, it's for everyone. And, it's actually about writing, freelancing and my other usual topics. I promise. It really does have a…
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So, I got the flu. And, besides the obvious bummerosity of feeling like (for lack of a better word) crap, I have to deal with the issues that surround being a sick and incapacitated freelancer…
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One minute there is no work to be seen...for miles. The next? You have projects and deadlines coming out your ears. In a perfect world, you would have a steady stream of projects flowing in,…
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