Not so smart You know how I love to rollerblade, right? Possibly more than running. I'm wondering if there's a rollerblading marathon, because while I'm up to easily running 8 miles, I can't imagine making…
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Ah, Twitter. It's an amazing marketing tool. It's a bastion of information. It's so much fun. I advise my clients, colleagues and friends to use it. I teach workshops on its extraordinary benefits. It seems…
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So, I got the flu. And, besides the obvious bummerosity of feeling like (for lack of a better word) crap, I have to deal with the issues that surround being a sick and incapacitated freelancer…
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Mistakes? I make them all the time. I'm constantly learning, tweaking, adjusting, back pedaling. I think it's part of being alive - it's definitely part of owning your own business. But the actual mistake, I'm…
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