I used to Write essays I would describe every moment Every experience Just how it felt In my way As only I could And people related They couldn’t believe I had Captured it…
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In a way, I'm a little shocked that this is only coming up now. Shocked and confused. Let's look at the facts: I'm a pack rat. (It's that Cancerian thing, again—I like to carry my…
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First of all. I love each and every one of you, dearly. Thank you for the kind (and often feisty) words. (and thoughts if you didn't put them down in a comment) Second, but much…
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Free speech is a funny thing. Here in the good 'ole US of A, we're allowed to say whatever we want, but our Constitution doesn't protect us from our listeners. Because while we have the…
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In every place I've ever lived, I'm now realizing, I've spent most of my travel time in the car. I grew up in Suburbia and that was just the way travel happened—in your car, mostly…
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In high school, I had a very odd French teacher. I don't know that she seemed that odd at the time, but looking back on it, and knowing what I know now about how teachers…
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To talk about the fact that I haven't been blogging much or not to..." That is my question. My question may seem less dramatic than Hamlet's, but it feels as fraught with pain, frustration, worry…
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At the start of the 35th week of my pregnancy, I went in for my weekly checkup with the midwives. And my blood pressure was 210 over 165. Which is, how do you say: not.…
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According to me, my comfort zone has habitually been small. And dictated by strict regulations. And ruled by a scared and scarred and horrid little voice that warned that stepping out of bounds would bring…
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I have this wonderful friend. I think she's in her 70's, but that seems unreal to me, because she seems much, much younger—yet at the same time, she's eternally wise and worldly. She's a conundrum.…
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