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When you are so 2009 & your web copy is so 1987

One of my clients, whom I’m teaching how to blog, asked the other day about my first blog post. Here’s a snippet:

As a writer without a blog, I’ve been like a butcher without a taste for meat, a dog trainer without a dog, a rockstar without a microphone….

And, as I read those words (and had a good chuckle), I realized that something was missing again. This time, the missing piece is up-to-date, umm, updates on my static pages.

When was the last time you read through your website?

Mine had been virtually ignored for a long, long time. All of my attention has been on my blog, but guess what? My site’s homepage is the #2 referrer to my blog. What’s on there is important – it is, of course, where people go to find out more, discover what’s in it for them and how they can use me to make their lives better

Things to do when revising your static website copy:

1. Personalize. Could your website belong to anyone in your industry? My old homepage was very generic, talking about ‘results-magnetized copy’ and being ‘a full-service copywriting and marketing company’ – it didn’t stand out at all. I was noticeably absent. Where was my personal brand?

2. Accuracy. When I first wrote my site (yes, this was the first time I’ve revised since I originally wrote the site, cough, cough, oy vey), I concentrated on different services than I offer today. My company, skills and knowledge have grown dramatically and, while this was all documented on my blog, it wasn’t reflected on the rest of my site.

3. Blog Ties. In case you haven’t noticed, I love blogs. This is where I let it all out and where you really get to know me. So, here’s what I did: on my homepage, instead of linking to static info about my services, I linked my main services: Writing, Consulting, Speaking and Mentoring to blog posts where I discuss these bits about myself and my business…might change them at any point if I write something I like more…

4. Write what you want. What do you want your business to look like? Put it on your site. Ever seen the tagline, Write where you want to go???? That’s what I meant. Take action with your words, make it happen. Your website (and blog) are your very own real estate – the rules are your own, the sky is the limit. This is what I help my clients do because it’s what I’ve learned to do for myself.

Check out the new copy by clicking on the typewriter key navigation above…specifically, the ‘H’ for home and the ‘S’ for services. And, if you change your site, let me know – I’d love to see how you grab this bull by the horns…

Join the discussion 10 Comments

  • Debra Snider says:

    Great points! Far too many small business websites are static and dull, then you meet their owners (in real life, on Twitter, wherever) and the owners are vibrant and fascinating. I tinker with my website almost daily, mostly because I love to write and am always seeing opportunities to add something, but also because, as an author, I really do want the site to represent the real – and evolving – me.

    Thanks, Julie, for another pithy, friendly and useful post!

  • Dan Power says:

    Great post, and I am guilty of all the things you mention!

    I’m about to start a pretty big refresh of my main site. I first created it about a year ago, but it does need updating. I’m also going to modify the look-and-feel a bit, and will try to make it more interactive and personable, as you suggest.

    As always – right on the money!

  • Julie: Another dead on post full of juicy bits. Thank you. My goal is to update/refresh my web site, maybe even before the new year begins. I like my site as it is currently, in a general sense, but not specifically. I have a lot of people tell me they are hiring me because they liked my site best, but I know it can be better. Your post will help me make it better. Once again, thank you.

  • Turtle says:

    Hmmm, smile, makes me need to go re-read through things! great post!

    It’s like looking through my scrapbooks from the beginning to now! Looks like grade K to now college!

  • Hi Julie: I will be doing this with ye olde firm site. Having created a WordPress blog to mimic it (, I’m tempted to port it all over, revising as I go, though I may use the “pages” feature for some of what you describe using blog posts for in #3.

  • Very good post Julie filled with facts that all entrepreneurs need to pay attention to. Static websites are not effective if like you said look outdated and don’t speak to your audience. You need to engage in order to be effective, thus, blogging and Tweets are the best ways to get your website read.

  • Dr Wright says:

    This is great advice and the perfect time of the year to do it!

    Dr Wright
    The Wright Place TV Show

  • Mike Seidle says:

    Julie – I love your suggestions. It’s so important to get personal, and most websites are flat out cold, impersonal and generally out of date. Reading your website would be a great New Year’s Resolution.

  • Kate Foy says:

    Julie. Thanks for the Twitter follow. Love what you’ve done with Thesis here. What a fine looking, clever piece of web design it is.

  • Lea Curtes-Swenson says:

    Julie, was just catching up on your blog and took a detour through your new static site. L-O-V-E it! I’m so inspired, as I’m currently creating my first-ever business blog-that-acts-like-a-website. We’ll be talking soon… can’t wait.

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