Listen, I’m a cancer (the crab) – and I take my astrological sign literally. I come equipped with my own little home and I like to stay inside of it, ie. I’m NOT a good traveler. Just the hour and half to Boston messes with me and the packing thing…don’t like it. How do I know what I’m going to feel like wearing 3 days from now? Seriously.
But there is something I love about traveling – reading about it. Yes, I am an armchair traveler. One of my all-time favorite books? A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle.
I do realize, however, that many people LOVE to travel. So I’m thrilled to offer my freelance writer readers some insight into how you can make a career out of travel writing with the review of Wendy VanHatten’s Travel Writing as a Freelancer…Your Own Guide to Getting Published. And, In the process, I get to be part of a very cool thing for someone who hates to travel – a blog book tour.
Sidenote: A blog book tour is a smart marketing creation where several bloggers are lined up to review a book. Yesterday the blog tour began with Claudia at Ebook and Book Reviews and tomorrow it continues with Linda Dessau at You Talk- I Write. Follow those links to read more reviews of this book. Basically I’m on tour, but I don’t have to leave my office – I love it.
Wendy VanHatten’s book is fantastic. And, by that, I mean – she’s a wonderful writer, so it’s enjoyable, and even though I have no desire to travel anywhere to write anything, when I read this book I had the undeniable feeling that if I wanted to, I could be a freelance travel writer.
- The book worked for me because it is unforgivably honest (freelancing is hard work and this is not a get rich quick scheme) while it is equally supportive and incredibly helpful. She knows what she’s talking about and tells you how to make it happen.
- The book worked for me because once upon a time, a long time ago, I read a book about how to become a freelance marketing writer that told me honestly what to do…and here I sit today. Wendy’s book is that kind of book for the travel writer.
I’m going to leave you with Wendy’s final step in her list: How to Become a Freelance Travel Writer in 10 Not So Easy Steps. You’ll find this list among the first few pages, and it will compel you onward. Step 10 characterizes VanHatten’s no-nonsense style and the charming wit that makes you feel like someone’s got your back as you begin your process:
10. Hit the road.
Travel and write. Repeat.
Now, GO! Go and travel and write about it so that I can stay right here. But, first? Download this ebook.
Sounds fabulous, I’m downloading it now!