Here’s an example of someone, not Paris, succeeding online with video. Etsy just produced this mini-documentary of my friend Susan Gibbs and her revolutionary MV Fiber Farm which is the world’s first natural fiber CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). This past Sunday it was the featured video on YouTube‘s hompage – garnering 129,536 views as of this morning. Besides Susan’s amazing story, there is an exciting delivery in this tale…around the 1/2 way point of the vid.
Susan has grown the CSA almost entirely online (save the Martha’s Vineyard local farmer’s markets) – through her blog, website, store and online communities like Etsy. Some highlights from the first year:
- Sold three rounds of shares (2 falls, 1 spring – actually this fall’s shares are going like hotcakes right now if you’re interested!)
- Raised over $10,000 on her blog to help pay for an electric wheelchair for her uncle – in ONE week
- Doubled the size of the flock
- Featured in an article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal
- Spotlighted in Women’s World Magazine (which surprisingly has one of highest circulations of any magazine in the country)
- Promoted & supported by the awesome crew at Etsy who, amongst many other things, created the video
- Currently negotiating a book deal
- Built a strong and loyal community of knitters, crafters, weavers, spinners – and lamb and sheep lovers
Not bad, Susan, not bad at all. I wish I could say that I taught her everything she knows, but she is this brilliant and talented all by herself. Visit Susan and become part of the CSA at