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I’m in a hurry, too.

By August 23, 2010Myth or Reality

For the last three days in a row, when I’ve gone out to my car in the morning, I’ve found the same things all fluttered about.


Just three or four. But leaves all the same.

Though not just any old leaves. These are leaves with some green…and some noticeable amounts of orange, red and brown.

And two weeks ago when I put my babies to bed under my skylight at 7:30, it was bright enough for me to worry they wouldn’t fall asleep. Last night at 7:30, it was pretty much dark.

I’ve checked the calendar. ‘August’ was still at the top of it.


  • I will wear jeans, long sweaters, my red shiny clogs, boots, scarves.
  • I have several exciting trips planned.
  • Two minutes, let alone one hour, of rollerblading will no longer leave me looking like I just stepped out of the ocean.
  • My runs will be (partially, then fully) in the dark and very, very quiet.
  • This island where I live will get lighter.
  • That island where I work won’t smell as noticeably like week-old, sour vomit.
  • Canoodling will become less sticky and a new ‘purpose’ will be added to it: to get warm.
  • Butternut squash will be on most menus.
  • So will lamb stew. With potatoes. And peas.

I totally get it, trees. Fall sounds good to me, too.

Image credit: mary.w.e.

Join the discussion 14 Comments

  • Edgy Mama says:

    Canoodling? Is that what the cool kids call it now?

  • Sugar Jones says:

    Yay for jeans and butternut squash soup!

  • denise says:

    Ahhh, yes. Autumnal desire. Me too. I ache for fall to arrive and realized this when I put on jeans and a long sleeved top when it was still 85 degrees outside. I yearn for the crisp snap in the air, the explosion of color, the smells.

  • Julie Roads says:

    I honestly don’t know if I could live in a place that didn’t have distinct seasons. I love wearing out each season and then craving the next. Anticipation is critical to my world.

  • Andi says:

    Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year, love it, love, love it! I love the clothes, the food (lamb have no idea what I will do for it!), the air, I just can’t say enough about it!

  • With 100 degree temperatures last week and the same predicted for this coming week, fall sounds pretty good to me, too *sigh* . I love spring, summer and fall in other places, too, but wouldn’t trade a day of a glorious Southern California winter for anyplace on earth.

  • Barry Silver says:

    20 seconds of get-away on an otherwise busy day. Thank you.

  • Andi says:

    Where are you trips to?

  • Corinne says:

    Fall sounds spectacular… I love it. Everything about it (except that it means winter soon…)

  • Tessa Zeng says:

    I love the way you wrote this post. Spectacularly inspirational.

    (And yes, fall! Back to a breezy campus and asymmetrically-buttoned cardigans and evening music festivals by the river :D)

    • Julie Roads says:

      Thanks, Tessa (love your name, btw). Have you been spying on me? (I always asymmetrically button, it’s a curse…and I try so hard to get it right).

  • Lamb stew, that’s an inspired idea! And “canoodling” – I haven’t heard that term in years – ha!

  • Julie – this post was like poetry to me. I LOVE fall. Definitely my favorite season (though, like you, I thrive on the changes from one season into the next … thank goodness I live in New England where that can happen several times over the course of a single day!).

    I’m just back from a lovely (and unplugged!) week in Acadia National Park & definitely got a taste of the autumnal while we were there hiking and kayaking and all that good stuff. There’s something delicious about being able to pull on jeans, boots, and a warm fleece. It makes me feel ready to go on an adventure. The cooler air is like a long, refreshing drink; and I love the way the warmth of the sun now feels like a warm hug and not like the death embrace of some demon from the depths of hell.

    Missed reading your posts, but thoroughly enjoyed being MIA on the Web. Grounding.

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