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Bonobos, Books & Websites

By April 7, 2008News

I’m Lucy book cover

For the last several months, I’ve been so fortunate to be project managing (and writing for) the design, printing, marketing collateral, marketing and PR for an amazing children’s book called, I’m Lucy: A Day in the Life of a Young Bonobo. And the book has officially hit the streets! Here’s the news:

I’m Lucy is now available for purchase at

This book, written with caring words by Mathea Levine, astonishing photographs by Marian Brickner and a heartfelt afterword by Jane Goodall has truly been a collaborative effort brought about by a collective desire to teach children about our closest primate cousins. I’m Lucy educates, excites and ignites young readers and their families. And when purchased through our website,, all profits from the sale of I’m Lucy are donated to non-profit organizations dedicated to saving the bonobos and the environment.

Bonobos share 98.7% of human DNA and are distinguished from other great apes by their matriarchal and cooperative society. While over 100 bonobos like Lucy and her family currently live in zoos, wild bonobos are found only in the Democratic Republic of Congo where they are often hunted and their habitat risks total destruction from human encroachment and environmental destruction. The bonobo population has dropped to nearly 10,000 placing these endangered creatures devastatingly close to total extinction.

When you visit you’ll find that this is more than a website where you can purchase the book. The interactive site offers cool information on bonobo ape kids and rewards human kids who practice ‘green’ behavior. The Bonobo Challenge blog invites kids to learn, get involved, play games and win contests while connecting with other “BonoboKids.” In zoos and in the wild, bonobo societies are cooperative and cohesive, and BonoboKids mission is to bring kids together – with each other, with the earth’s creatures, with the world.

By purchasing a copy of I’m Lucy you will become part of a community springboard for an ongoing and productive relationship between children and their world. gives kids the opportunity to connect to this amazing ape and to understand that today’s actions affect bonobos, and all creatures – even themselves – tomorrow.

If you like kids, animals, books and/or the Earth, spread the news…it can only help us all.

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  • Andrew Fowler says:

    Just wanted to say I think this is a great idea and necessary to increase awareness of the bonobo among the public, especially children. I am fortunate enough to study these animals in the wild in DR Congo, where I was for 11 months until Feb. and will return in September. They are remarkable animals.
    Thanks for your hard and important work,
    Andrew Fowler PhD.
    Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

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