Wait, that title seems familiar… Alas, those are Virginia Woolf’s words, not mine – but, the concept, oh, the concept. It is so important to have this space, your own space for your work. To leave the computer on, to leave 5 reference books open mid-look, to save a piece of pizza in your own mini-fridge. I crave this space! My writing space has been shared for years now. Don’t get me wrong – I am grateful that I have space to write – period. But I would love to have my own little shack. So, two things, 1. Where do you write, work, create – really and in your mind. And 2. Here is my dream shack…it lives in Chilmark, MA (Martha’s Vineyard) and was built as a community effort by the amazing South Mountain Company. I don’t need this exact one…but something like it, maybe with a little splash of color! Bring it on, Universe!