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The Daily Norm

By October 13, 2009Blogging, News

the daily norm logoYou know the big fiction fallout of ’09? The one where I decided that fiction just wasn’t for me? Well, it sent me on a mission to capture the non-fiction, blogging and writing that I truly adore. And one of the things that I gravitate towards are other people’s stories…

Why? Because as a writer, I’ve been trained – since birth – to look at other people and write their story in my head. Seriously, have you ever met a How to Write book that doesn’t tell you to go sit in a cafe and write character sketches of everyone that walks by the window?

Yeah, well, I do this with a vengeance. And the people around me either a) beg me to stop staring, b) think I need to get a hobby, or c) jump in to the speculative fantasy with me.

Honestly, though – and this is part of the reason that I’m not writing fiction – my own fabrications are just never enough. I actually want to know the truth about the ten 20-somethings sitting around the table at the Early Girl Eatery in Asheville, NC. I want to know how old they are, where they went to college, who’s sleeping with who, who has a broken heart.

I kid you not, I’ve had friends hold me back from walking up to the table. I seriously want to know about these people, and frankly, I’m not too shy to ask.

So, I’ve found an outlet. It’s a new blog that I’ve created, and it’s called The Daily Norm wherein I talk to all different kinds of people and ask them questions about what it really is like to be them – on a normal day. They’re people that fascinate me because of what they do and how they live – and my goal is that by learning about their lives a bit, we (you and I) will be educated, informed and inspired.

I’m kicking this puppy off with interviews from an Ironman, an environmental scientist (who is presenting his model on climate control to the UN momentarily), theatrical educators and the one and only Chris Brogan.

To find out a bit more about how this all got started, you can read What is The Daily Norm? (An about page that could easily be a post on this blog…)

And if you know anyone (yourself included) that you think would be a good interview, go to Interview Fodder.

Believe me, I know we all have busy lives, so The Daily Norm will publish one interview per week. On Thursday mornings. Because I’ve always thought Thursday was the coolest day. (and Monday is Monday, Tuesday’s just kind of blah, Hump Day would be too obvious and Friday is happy enough on its own).

I cherish every single one of you…and I’m delighted to invite you over to my new pad. Thanks y’all, for checking it out.

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