I’m blown away by the beauty of these designs for the cover of The LOVE ebook. Kyle Lacy, owner of Brandswag, has outdone himself!!! They’re so good that I just can‘t pick one. I need you all to help me. Check them out and vote down below. Warning: this poll will only be live for 24 hours – so vote now (and tell all of your friends.)
Remember The LOVE ebook goes live on February 11th and will be available for download through the 14th. It is free, but I encourage you to make a donation to Career Gear (a national organization helping people get back to work). Dare I say, The LOVE ebook makes the perfect Valentine’s gift???
Okay – vote!
It’s a little busy, but I think #5 is the most evocative of the actual purpose/content of the book.
I agree with Adam about #5 best depicting content, despite being a touch ‘busy’~
I favor 4 but I would have to make changes; lose the bottom bar and put the word ‘ebook’ in the bottom horizontal leg of the “E”.
Thank you for you allowing us to share in this decision. All of the covers are pretty but I think I like the more simplistic design of #2. A close second is #3.
Teresa of Key Business Partners
Here’s my order: 1,2,4,3,5,6.
How nice of you!
I vote for #4 and agree with Chris Darling’s edit notes on the bar and the word ‘eBook’ under the letter ‘E’